29 May 2024

GRITEC agreement for switchgear enclosures and substations


In April Mike Strong and Warwick Beech visited the GRITEC head office in Germany to sign an agreement for HV Power to market GRITEC enclosures and substation building solutions in New Zealand and Australia.

GRITEC is a large supplier of substation and technical buildings in Europe. Due to their experience in design of building and arc fault current containment, HV Power have partnered with them to design, build and type test stainless steel Class B enclosures for the New Zealand and Australian market. Designs are currently available for Siemens 8DJH series for 11 and 22 kV applications.

You can see an example enclosure at our facility, or at EEA in Christchurch in September 2024.

Formerly known as Betonbau, they recently rebranded as GRITEC to better reflect their products' use for Grid Technologies.

See our website product and supplier pages for more information.